Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mombasa to Nairobi

Today Polykens and Frances cooked their own breakfast using leftovers from last night's dinner. Polykens had enough still left over for a snack along the way. Polykens drove out of Mombasa and into Nairobi, but Anton drove the whole rest of the way (distance between Mombasa and Nairobi 500 km). Anton did quite well, he only missed hitting someone once. It took 9 hours. The roads were slightly less busy because it was Sunday, but the speedbumps were all still there. We got better at predicting their locations today. Along the way we saw baboons and a larger group of zebra today, plus lots of shepherds with goats and cows, and still lots of people selling things in stalls along the road. We stopped at the same place for lunch, Anton tried chapaties. There were fewer police checks. On Thursday Anton got pulled over just because the policeman felt like it, today the police concentrated on trucks and matatus. Occasionally the police will put a roadblock in the road, which is a strip of metal spikes you carefully drive through.

When we got into Nairobi, we drove and drove until we found the Karen Blixon Restaurant, which was recommended to Frances by her seatmate on the airplane. It was much cooler in Nairobi, so they sat us at a table beside an open wood fireplace, and it sparked and sparked so much that Polykens finally moved. The food was good, western. Frances had a salad and the dressing was served in a shell. Then back to Diguna where we waited for an hour for someone to come and get our luggage out of storage for us. The mosquitos are bad here, but tonight we set up our mosquito nets in the same cabin as before. The 2 nights for the 2 rooms cost $50, including breakfast (bread and chai).
Sent from my BlackBerry device.

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