Monday, August 2, 2010

Nakuru Game Park

This morning the family picked us up in the car and we drove to a place to switch vehicles. We were loaned a van for the day so we wouldn't be so squished for the safari. First we had to wait while some tires were changed, so we took the kids next door to the supermarket and bought some food for a picnic lunch.

When we got to the Nakuru Game Park, we drove and viewed lots of animals. Right off we were all captivated by the baboons, especially the babies. One newborn kept getting swatted around by a big male. The newborn would run for sanctuary to his mother, then a minute later would forget and go out to romp and get swatted around again.

After the baboons we drove down to the lake and got out of the car to see the thousands of flamingos. Back in the car driving around the lake, and we saw tons of thompson's gazelles, impala, zebras, buffalo, something called a topi, giraffe, white rhinos, and even hyenas. We watched one hyena casually stalking some gazelle, and the gazelle scampering away. More troops of baboons. And some ostriches!

We stopped for lunch at a picnic area called Baboon Cliff Overlook which had a gorgious view of the lake from above. There were lizards and rock hyrax hanging around. This picnic area was aptly named. I had bought a large bag of chips (crisps) for the family, but Mercy wanted salt and vinegar, so I bought her a separate bag. I handed her the bag and she set it down beside it, and before we knew it a huge baboon had stolen it and brazenly sat there beside us eating it. Then he wanted to come inside the pavilion to take the rest of our food, but Polykens started jumping around and we all yelled at it and it ran away. But not very far, and he brought another one with him. A ranger threw some clods of dirt near them to make them run away.
After the game park, they took us to a strip of vendors along one street where we could buy souvenirs. Agnes and the kids came with us while Poly guarded the car. We were literally swarmed with people who wanted to sell something to us. Agnes was quite the haggler. She stuck firm and got us good deals on lots of stuff. It was really helpful to have her along. Plus she knew the value of things, and we didn't have a clue!

We took the family plus John (an elder in the church) to a chinese restaurant for dinner, and presented them with gifts for the church.

Tomorrow morning early we are being picked up by someone named Chris Mwangi from Eastern and Southern Safari, to take us on our 3 day safari to the Masai Mara. We probably won't be able to send the blog for a few days until we get back to Nairobi on Thursday.
Sent from my BlackBerry device.

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